Governing Board
A Governing Board of 21 volunteers lead the Springfield Foundation and its charitable activities. These experienced civic leaders serve three-year terms and are chosen for their knowledge of, and involvement in, community issues and activities. The Board bears responsibility for establishing policy, oversees the management of funds entrusted to its care, and approves the distribution of grants and scholarships.
Steve Moody:
Amanda Lantz:
Vice President
Nettie Carter-SmithTreasurer
Sharon FrandsenSecretary
Andy Barlow
Sunna Bass
Aaron Clark
Paula Crew
Basil Fett
Greg Flax
Andy Fox
Kim Griffith
Kevin Loftis
Matt Luther
Jermain Maynard
Pam Meermans
Greg Rogers
Blake Shaffer
Humera Umerani
Chris Wells
Rachel Wilson
Ten working committees, composed of Board volunteers, function to implement the Board’s directives and are focused on the committees’ main objectives: the African-American Community Fund, Women’s Partnership Funds, Board Governance, Finance, Development and Marketing, Distribution, Executive, Investment, Personnel, and Scholarship Committees, Initiative.
Whether you’re interested in charitable giving, estate planning, or grant funding, our staff can assist you! Please call 937.324.8773 to arrange a meeting or speak with a specific member of our team.